CS 523: Course Project

Fall 2020


  1. 9/6 (Sunday) 23:59pm CST: Form project group
  2. 9/20 (Sunday) 23:59pm CST: Project proposal due
  3. 10/18 (Sunday) 23:59pm CST: First checkpoint report due
  4. 11/15 (Sunday) 23:59pm CST: Second checkpoint report due
  5. 12/16 (Wednesday) 23:59pm CST: Final everything due

Reports and Code

Proposal: Your project proposal should describe what you plan to do, why it is interesting, how you plan to do it, and what you are not sure about. Also describe what resources you think you will need to carry out the project (e.g., VMs, datasets). The end product of the proposal is a crisp problem statement. Please submit your report via a shared Google Doc (so we can comment on specific lines).

Checkpoint #1: Your checkpoint report should describe your progress on achieving the goals you included in your proposal. Clearly explain any changes you have made to the goal of your project based on your experience so far. Also, provide a concrete plan of what you will need to accomplish in the remaining weeks to complete your project. Please submit your report via a shared Google Doc (so we can comment on specific lines).

Checkpoint #2: Similar as Checkpoint #1. And what's more, you must include primary results (e.g., small-scale measurement results, examples that your prototype can already handle, etc). Please submit your report via a shared Google Doc (so we can comment on specific lines).

Final paper: Your final paper should be written like a research paper you read in class. Your paper must be no longer than 6 pages. The paper can include as many additional pages as needed for references and for supplementary material in appendices. Please format your report using this template. Submissions formatted with other templates are invalid.

Code/data: Please send us a copy of your code so we can check and skim. The simplest way is to host your project repository at GitHub or BitBucket. If you want to keep private repositories, add the instructor and TAs as the collaboators of your repositories. The GitHub IDs of the instructor and TAs will be announced on Piazza. It is ok if you want to keep your code confidential, but please talk to us explicitly.

Final presentation: Please prepare a 12-minute presentation and record your presentation (do not exceed 12 minutes and we have penality for that). Checkout this Piazza post on how to make the video using zoom and send the instructor and TAs the video link.

Submission: Submit your paper, code, and video in the following ways:

Please see metadata.tex of the paper template.

Project Ideas

I will provide a list of ideas to get you started thinking, but I highly encourage you to pursue your own ideas which typically lead to better results.

You can find a list of 523 projects that were subsequently published in workshops, conferences, and journals.

We do not release information that are not opened to public to protect students' work (many of which are closely connected to their thesis research).